The history of human rights and democracy is a major field of activity in which the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna is engaged. Gerald Stourzh, professor emeritus of modern history and one of the most renowned Austrian historians of his generation, has prominently positioned the history of human rights and democracy at the University of Vienna during nearly three decades of research and teaching. At the same time, his academic achievements in the field have provided profound and lasting incentives internationally.
The annual Gerald Stourzh Lectures on the History of Human Rights and Democracy are organized in cooperation both with the Department of History as well as with the key research areas "Demokratie und Menschenrechte" and "Diktaturen, Gewalt, Genozide". Distinguished scholars present new insights in the field of the History of Human Rights and Democracy and put them up for discussion. Their lectures are published on this website.
16th Gerald Stourzh Lecture on the History of Human Rights and Democracy
Annabel Brett
(University of Cambridge)
Rights, Resistance and the Limits of Law in Seventeenth-Century Political Thought (preliminary title)
Wednesday, May 14th, 2025, 6:30 PM
Main building of the University of Vienna, lecture hall 41 Gerda Lerner, stairway VIII, 1st floor